Continuous Conical Tube Mill (Continuous Flow)

Continuous Tube Mill (Continuous Flow)

Continuous Tube Mill (Continuous Flow)

Product Name

Continuous Tube Mill (Continuous Flow)

Product Summery
A continuous pulverizing mill that feeds from one end and continuously discharges raw materials from the other end.
Suitable for both dry and wet grinding applications.

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Product type

Continuous Conical Tube Mill (Continuous Flow)

Product category


Major features

Continuous Conical Tube Mill (Continuous Flow) is a continuous pulverizer like the Continuous Tube Mill, but the side plate of the tube mill is straight, and the front and rear of the conical tube mill are tapered.

The shell is divided into three parts, the inlet part has a steep shape and the outlet part has a gentle shape, and the difference in centrifugal force changes the distribution of cobblestones and pulverized materials from the inlet to the outlet in order from large to small.

It is a product that enhances the pulverization efficiency so that it becomes a thing. Increased efficiency saves labor and reduces wear on the lining material.

Specifications / Size


Product introduction video